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Volume 5, 2018

Angelov, Tsvetelin. The question of otherness

Bodurova, Jacqueline, Masis Hadjolian. The contribution of the Armenians from the city of Varna in the construction of New Bulgaria

Bosakov, Vesselin. Through the thickets of nationalisms

Boyadjieva, Nelli. The academic essay in the university education of social pedagogues

Christison, Earl L. The Distinctive Character of the Latter-day Saints

Dimcheva, Angela. A new model of political and cultural interactions (International writers’ meetings in Sofia – XX century)

Doncheva, Yulia. Overcoming barriers by integrating the image of the ethnic other in the initial stage of Bulgarian education

Eftimova, Sabina. School libraries – a partner in inclusive education

Fol, Alexandra. Harmony, or the art of living together: a musical metaphor

Gaigadjova, Gyulgyun S. The intangible cultural heritage of the Bulgarian Muslims: contemporary preservation of the holiday-ritual system in the village of Valkosel, Gotsedelchevsko

Galabova, Liana. Challenges for Orthodox religious diversity in the public display of value orientations and respect for human rights

Garvanova, Magdalena. Internet addiction among Bulgarian youth in the context of personality

Georgieva, Katerina. The Other Beyond the Wall: The Modern Nomad Meets the Foreigner. Between language and distance

Gospodinova, Galya. The sequence of the wedding according to manuscripts No. 54 and No. 66, stored in the Scientific Archive at the BAS

Gradinarova, Vanya, Milena Velikova. Methods of non-formal education in leisure pedagogy when working with children and adolescents

Granitska, Vera. Art, play and ritual in art therapy theory and practice

Guelemetova, Maria. An example of a model for multicultural education in the Professional High School of Chemical and Food Technologies in Pazardzhik

Hnkanosyan, Goar. Educational and educational activity of the Armenian organizations in Bulgaria (1878 – 1944)

Ilieva, Zhorzheta. The diplomatic relations of St. Patriarch Nicholas of Constantinople with Caliph Al-Muktadir

Israel, Marcel. On the Evolution of Some Sacred Hebrew Words – From Ancient Egyptian Symbolism to Their Alphanumeric Value in the Hebrew Alphabet

Ivanov, Vladislav. How is Christendom divided? The beginning of the confrontation between the Orthodox East and the Catholic West

Jonovski, Jovan. The second wave of Protestantism in the Republic of Macedonia

Kaloyanov, Vladimir. Some contradictions in the ideology of ethnic multicentrism

Karahassan-Cinar, Ibrahim. The funeral custom among the Bulgarian Turks

Kenderova, Stoyanka. The library of Osman Pazvantoglu in Vidin – a meeting of the East and the West

Klimukova, Nikolinka. Visual arts education as a form of cultural dialogue between groups with different ethnic, religious and cultural affiliations and people with disabilities

Kumanova, Alexandra, Nikolay Vassilev. Interdisciplinary positioning of the practical orientation of the symbiosis of the pedagogy of the educational and research process of students with speech-language pathology and dysgraphia (Toward the issue of problem solving)

Manolov, Karamfil. The cultural difference in entrepreneurship in Bulgarian book publishing – a basis for the differences in achieving publishing success

Milanov, Ivan. Ethnocultural and ethnoreligious characteristics of migrants in Bulgaria

Nakova, Albena. Refugees in Bulgaria – between fences and integration

Nalbantian-Hacherian, Silva. Activities for the protection of intangible cultural heritage in current municipal development plans

Nazarska, Georgeta, Svetla Shapkalova. Christian sacraments and religious emotions: a look at religiosity in modern Bulgaria

Nazarska, Georgeta. Participation of Bulgarians in cross-border religious networks in the Near East (first half of the 20th century)

Nihat, Sezer, Ventsislav Velev. The ethno-cultural development of the Alian community in Silistrensko in the period 1930-1940 according to data from a little-known manuscript

Nikolova, Rositsa. The “St. blessed Xenia of Petersburg” Old-Calendar church in Varna as a religious center

Nikolova, Sevdelina. Sacred and hierophanies – about commonality in religious experience

Nunev, Iosif. Why is the integration of the Bulgarian Roma stalling?

Peneva, Anguelina. The magic of the written word

Penov, Stefan. Judeo-Christian ideas and concepts about Armageddon and the Apocalypse (Truth originates from Jerusalem and falsehood from Babylon)

Petrov, Lyudmil. Christianity in the Postmodern Age: Problems and Prospects

Petrova, Tina. A religious primer – a valuable document with many messages

Polimirova, Maria. On the trail of two manuscript fragments (two compositions with anti-Jewish content in the book “Miracles of the Most Holy Virgin” from 1817 from the collection of the Virgin Monastery “Pokrov of the Most Holy Virgin” in Samokov)

Poppetrov, Nikolay. Questions etc one Bulgarian imagology (based on examples from the era 1879-1944)

Poppetrova, Margaret. Pluralism and restrictions in Bulgarian book publishing (September 1944 – May 1948)

Sapundjieva, Klavdia. Life for the other as responsibility (Emmanuel Levinas)

Serafimova, Maria. In search of a saving alternative

Shabarkova-Petrova, Marijana. On the cultural similarities and differences in some Bulgarian and Ethiopian examples of religious imagery

Tahir, Mumyun. Mutual perception as a foundation for the European integration of the Balkan countries (Bulgaria’s place in the Balkan palette)

Timova, Galina. Overcoming social and cultural differences in building a school community

Todorov, Teodor. Donald Trump: defender of human rights or outspoken provocateur of their existential rethinking

Todorova, Paulina. Jesus Christ – divine shepherd and physician of physicians (Biblical and patristic foundations of soul care and psychological help)

Todorova, Rositsa. Religious faith in crises of existential borderline situations – prophet Jeremiah

Totseva, Yanka. Innovations as dropout prevention in multicultural schools

Traichev, Emil. Human sexuality in the perspective of the biblical text (Some observations)

Tutunarov, Hristo. Children of the Islamic State. Generation Jihad

Uzunov, Ivan. Participation of non-governmental organizations in policies for the protection of cultural and historical heritage

Vasileva, Evgenia. Information picture of religious publications in Bulgaria (1990-2018)

Velev, Ventsislav. The place and role of folk community centers in the system of cultural and historical heritage of Bulgaria

Vladikova, Angelina, Svetlana Karadjova. A bridge between cultures – a challenge that opens new paths

Yakova, Iveta. The visible invisible man, or an attempt to understand otherness

Yocheva, Kalina. Text comprehension problems of bilingual students

Yordanova, Berjuhi, Svetlana Angelova. Tolerance of cultural differences as a manifestation of mental health in elementary school students

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